Port Alberni

Quick stats …

  • 18,000
  • 4 hours from Vancouver
  • %

In the area …

5-bed, 3 bath home in Upper North
MLS: 448615

CAD$ 459,900 MLS Listing

In Port Alberni, 90 is a well-advertised number. It is the number of minutes it takes to get to Pacific Rim National Park Reserve, Barkley Sound, Clayoquot Sound, Ucluelet and/or Tofino, Mount Washington and from the Comox Airport and/or the Nanaimo Airport. It’s touted as Vancouver Island’s most affordable community where an average single-family home is about $200,000 less than the next most reasonably priced community on the Island.

For decades, the main industries were forestry and commercial fishing, and later tourism. Because of significant changes in international commodity markets and resource availability, Port Alberni responded to these challenges by developing an economy that is more diverse and flexible to changes in market.

Port Alberni’s commercial revitalization tax exemption bylaws fast-track business licence approvals and are bold steps toward the beautification of the business districts. The professional and scientific sectors have nearly doubled between the last two census periods. And as more people move here, opportunities continue to expand in Coulson Group’s aerospace division, San Group sawmill operations, Canadian Maritime Engineering and the Port Alberni Port Authority.

Port Alberni Stats

Population 18,000 with an additional 7,500 people in the adjacent rural areas
Planned Investment over next 24-36 months $125 million
Planned number of new homes 60 lots coming onto market this year and 85 new apartments coming on stream in next 24 months

Municipalities & Districts:
Port Alberni – portalberni.ca

Real Estate:
Port Alberni Listings

Cathy Braiden –cathybraiden.com

Discovery Dream Homes – discoverydreamhomes.com
Pan-abode – panabode.com

Note: Population is listed by either municipality or region. Sample listing represents a home near the median average selling price in 2017. Real estate trend metric uses B.C. Assessment data for value and includes sales of all property types.
