Have you ever dreamed of right-sizing to a tiny home? Are you intrigued by a more minimalistic life? Tiny homes come in a variety of materials, sizes, and price ranges. For instance, one-story living, one level with a loft, or even a backyard studio and range anywhere between 150 – 1,000 square feet. Some are built out of wood, others are built from recycled materials and shipping containers. Many tiny homes are on wheels while others are planted on a permanent foundation. There’s a tiny home out there for everyone from retirees, couples, singles, and even families. But where do you park your tiny home? Before you make the investment, it’s important to keep in mind where you plan to live before starting the process of buying or building your custom tiny home. Maybe a private lot in BC’s interior or on one of the many lower-cost island properties or in your backyard!? Our helpful resources below consist of builders, property to buy or rent and include tiny home communities.
The Backcountry Hut Company (Vancouver, BC) – thebackcountryhutcompany.com
Camera Buildings (Vancouver, BC) – camerabuildings.com
Container West (Richmond, BC) – containerwest.com/products/living-spaces
ExpanDwell Homes (Kamloops, BC) – expandwellhomes.ca
Honomobo (Edmonton, AB) – honomobo.com
Howe Sound Tiny Homes (Squamish, BC) – howesoundtinyhouse.com
Hummingbird Micro Homes (Fernie, BC) – hummingbirdmicrohomes.com
Nelson Tiny Houses (Nelson, BC) – nelsontinyhouses.com
Mint Tiny House Company (Delta, BC) – minttinyhomes.com
Summit Tiny Homes (Vernon, BC) – summittinyhomes.com
Sunshine Tiny Homes (Gibsons, BC) – sunshinetinyhomes.com
Tumbleweed Tiny House Company (Colorado Springs, CO) – tumbleweedhouses.com
Vancouver Tiny House (East Vancouver, BC) – vancouvertinyhouse.com
Westcoast Outbuildings (Squamish, BC) – outbuildings.ca
Wheelhaus (Jackson, WY) – wheelhaus.com
Blind Bay Resort (Blind Bay, BC) – beachesblindbay.com
Li Reid (Gulf islands) – liread.com
Rick Gustavson (Gambier Island) – rickgustavson.com
Walter Rawlinson (Hope, BC) – wrawlins.eagent360.com
Rewild Homes – rewildhomes.com/land
Tiny House Listings Canada – tinyhouselistingscanada.com
Rick Thaddeus Savary Island – savary.ca
Ed Hanji – bcoceanfront.com
Richar Osborne – landquest.com
B.C. Tiny House Collective (Vancouver, BC) – bctinyhousecollective.com
The Tiny House Festival – thetinyhousefestival.com
If you don’t need to have them on wheels then there are certainly many more prefab options. On a cost per sq. ft. basis the tiny home manufactures are generally between $70K -$100K for 200SF. If you have the space and zoning to go a bit bigger the value of a prefab home may be another option providing more space and fewer costs per sq ft. See customized packages from:
Discovery Dream Homes – www.discoverydreamhomes.com
Pan-Abode – panabode.com
By Charity Robertson