Smithers is quenching a six-year dry spell in style. The town, which had been without a craft brewery since 2012, is on the cusp of having two spots where residents can swig micro-brewed suds. The newest, Smithers Brewing Co. opens this Canada Day, with a 3,000-squarefoot custom-built space downtown. Vaulted ceilings and exposed timbers adorn the 1,000-square-foot lounge and tasting room, while garage-style doors open wide to views of Hudson Bay Mountain. “The reception has been amazing,” says co-owner Blaine Estby. “I can’t walk two blocks down the street without people getting excited and asking when we’re opening.” The core beer menu will include a brown ale, session ale, Munich Helles lager and rye pale ale — served alongside specialty and one-off creations such as Flower Power Kettle Sour, made with five types of flowers.
Hopping to it in Smithers