Salmon Arm has the eighth highest tech manufacturing employment per capita across the province and has the largest high-tech manufacturing employment per capita within the Thompson Okanagan region.
This significant influx of new residents from the Lower Mainland can be attributed to Salmon Arm’s amenities, including affordable housing, short commute-to-work time and endless arts/culture and recreation opportunities.
The Salmon Arm Economic Development Society has been working on the development of the Salmon Arm Innovation Centre to establish a hub for creativity and entrepreneurship in downtown Salmon Arm, raising the profile of the extensive and diverse opportunities associated with the unique high-tech cluster and established start-up climate.
In addition to an ongoing focus on recreational development, the city has also implemented a commercial revitalization and industrial tax incentive programs to support new investment.
Salmon Arm Stats
Population 17, 904
Amount of investment $50.6 million in 2017; 106 new residential lots created, and 163 new housing units built
Planned number of new homes In 2018, there have been 34 single-family dwelling permits issued, valued at $10.7 million Buildout 20 years
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